What is a Lifestyle Newborn Session?
It's a photo session of a newborn baby and the family in the comfort of their own home. The location might not be necessarily at the family's home, but somewhere they feel like home. It is not situated in a studio and most of the poses are candid with the family enjoying their time with the baby. Most of the time a photographer is observing and maybe just give some suggestions on a few prompts.

Sophia. Birth. Photography

When to schedule a Lifestyle Newborn Session?
The best time to document your time with the newborn is up to baby's first month. The baby at that time is still sleeping a lot which allows the session to go smoother for both the family and the photographer.
Who can be a part of a Lifestyle Newborn Session?
Usually it's the baby's parents, siblings. If there are pets, they are welcome too! Sometimes grandparents want to join, and that's ok as well. But there is no exact rule on who can be in the story. Anyone to whom the family feels very close could be a part of the lifestyle newborn session.

What is documented during a Lifestyle Newborn Session?
Anything that you don't want to be missed. It is a relaxed session of you enjoying the time with your newborn baby.
- It can be anything from you rocking, holding or signing to the baby
- Feeding (breastfeeding or bottle) can be documented
- Newborn details - feet, fingers, toes, etc.
- If a mom feels like it, they can take a shower or a milk flower bath with the baby
- Siblings holding, kissing and admiring the newborn
- Pets getting to know their new sibling
- Other rituals that are important to the family

Sophia. Birth. Photography is a Dallas Fort Worth birth photographer. She focuses on documenting raw birth and motherhood stories. Sophia serves families located in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex (Dallas, Fort Worth, Allen, Plano, McKinney, Melissa, Anna, Van Alstyne, Arlington, Richardson, Little Elm).